The services at Eden’s Path Include:
Herbal Consultations:
The purpose of your consultation is to educate and inform you about the herbs you may already be taking – or may choose to take, never to replace conventional medicine or your doctor.

Usui Reiki:
Usui Reiki was developed and taught by Mikao Usui (August 15, 1865 – March 9, 1926). Reiki is a Japanese method of energy work that promotes spiritual, emotional and physical balance and health. Usui adapted concepts from his early training as a Tendai Buddhist, so that a much broader audience could benefit from this work. This allowed his students to continue following their personal philosophical and spiritual training. Reiki is taught and practiced at many of our locations.

Please refer to the drop down menu above for much more information on the services described above. Note that not all services are available in all cities..